Discipleship Pathway


To serve is to dive more deeply into your relationship with God by helping others and the community.

Tools to Serve

Below are some of the tools to go deeper with God in our church context.

Become a Life Group Leader Apprentice
Join a Soul Care group
Develop Fluency in Leadership Tools
Participate in Retreats
Participate in Christian Growth Classes
Lead a Ministry

What does this look like?

As you begin to serve, these are some of the desired outcomes.

Have a sound theology
Practice sacrificial love, encouraging and confronting one another
Know what God is doing locally and globally
Practice other spiritual disciplines
Memorize scripture
Develop a worship lifestyle
Give sacrificially
Make wise decisions
Speak gracefully and lovingly with outsiders
Use gifts or talents according to personal calling or corporate mission
Choose healthy relationships
Follow authority well

Want to learn more?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.