All activities and ministries in ARAC are designed to help equip people to LOVE God, LOVE each other and LOVE the world. It is when we serve others and engage in God’s mission together that we are challenged to become more than we currently are. Below is a list of some of the current ministries at ARAC. If you have any questions, feel free to talk with someone from our First Contact team on Sunday morning or contact us. We are happy to help!

Children are a priority! We provide a safe and fun environment staffed with loving volunteers. Our dynamic children's ministry allows kids to meet Jesus on their level during several gatherings designed just for them: Sunday mornings we have First Steps (birth-4yrs) , Kids' Church (5yrs-5th grade), and Middle School (6th-8th grade). During the school year, Youth4Truth meets each Wednesday from 6:30-8:00pm for kids from 4yrs-6th grade to explore God and life deeper.

Participating in team sports enhances spiritual and physical growth as well as relationships. Therefore, we field a co-ed softball team through the Christian Fellowship Softball League and co-ed volleyball teams through the Woodbridge Christian Athletic Association. We also have a group that plays Pickle Ball in our gym throughout the year. Contact us today to join a team.

Everyone knows what it is like the first time you come to a new place. Our First Contact team is designed to welcome people on Sunday mornings, answer questions, and generally help people get comfortable as they meet new people. The First Contact team is a great way to learn more about ARAC and meet people to begin building relationships.

Life Groups are the lifeblood of ARAC. True growth, personally and with God, happens best in the context of relationships. Our Life Groups are smaller groups of people that meet at a variety of times and days of the week for the purpose of learning to do life tother. They share, serve, eat, pray and study together in an atmosphere that allows for transparency and support. Contact us today, and we'll get you plugged in!

We exist to help students learn to LOVE God in new ways, LOVE each other and value those both like and unlike themselves and LOVE the world that is bigger than their corner of it. We provide opportunities for students to worship and learn in an environment that is safe and welcoming. Students in grades 7-12 are invited to come out to Catalyst Youth Group on Wednesdays at 6 PM. Trips and events throughout the year and can be found on the events calendar.

We believe prayer is the primary work of those who follow Jesus. Each week we have an opportunity to gather together from 9:00-9:45 am to pray for ourselves, our families and our church and community. This is open to everyone and is suitable for praying silently or out loud. In addition, we have a prayer team that prays with others each Sunday.

The ARAC Workout Room is now available! If you're interested in utilizing the workout room facilities, feel free to contact the church office for hours of availability .
We are part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance which currently has ~700 International Workers (missionaries) throughout the world. We support them financially by giving to our Great Commission Fund and we partner specifically with 4 missionary families whom we particularly connect with and pray for regularly. Every year we host an International Worker for a missions conference weekend and throughout the year we use various means to highlight God’s work throughout the world. We seek to have a global Gospel focus & encourage others to answer the call to serve the Lord vocationally.
ARAC Ministry Opportunities
-Join the Worship Team as a musician or vocalist
-Become a member of our Sound Team
-Welcome guests before service (First Contact Team)
-Teach or help in our Children's Ministry
-Teach or help in our ESL Program
-Assist as our Events Coordinator
-Building maintenance and updates
-Help with minor office tasks
-Become a member of our Sound Team
-Welcome guests before service (First Contact Team)
-Teach or help in our Children's Ministry
-Teach or help in our ESL Program
-Assist as our Events Coordinator
-Building maintenance and updates
-Help with minor office tasks

Community Connections
Her Care
Love INC
Teen Challenge
Love INC
Teen Challenge